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After all in a sentence

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Sentence count:293+18Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: one after anotherafter a whileaftergo aftertake afterlook afterafterwardafter schoolMeaning: adv. 1. emphasizes something to be considered 2. in spite of expectations. 
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121. It happened-whether by accident or design-that the two of them were left alone after all the others had gone.
122. He reversed the judgment and set the prisoner free after all.
123. I'm really sorry, but I won't be able to make it on Sunday after all.
124. She emerged triumphant from the court after all the charges against her were dropped because of a lack of evidence.
125. I decided her father was a decent guy after all.
126. After all the changes of policy,I'd believe absolutely anything of that man.
127. She wasn't leaving after all. He was glad about that.
128. Union leaders announced that they would, after all, take part in the national conference.
129. Why shouldn't Dan eat the cake?After all, he baked it.
130. I thought you might know somebody. After all, you're the man with connections.
131. She was dismissed from her job, which was a real kick in the teeth after all the work she'd done.
132. After all this time he still had new ideas and was game to try them.
133. How can you treat me like this after all I've done for you?
134. Much to our annoyance,[] they decided not to come after all.
135. I think the chairman is working around to our point of view after all.
136. He didn't need to go to hospital after all - he only had a few bruises.
137. I wondered whether there might, after all, be some truth in the old chestnut that one's school days are the happiest of one's life.
138. It has turned out to be a nice day after all.
139. His face was instantly familiar, even after all those years.
140. She was dumped from the company after all those years.
141. He rejoiced that all the work was after all finished in time.
142. You were wrong about Tom; he's not married after all.
143. After all his explanations , I remained none the wiser.
144. She decided on reflection to accept his offer after all.
145. Ben! How could you? After all they've done for us!
146. After all,[] the worst the boss can do is say no if you ask him.
147. Stop pulling him about like that; he's a child after all.
148. There wasn't such a big decline in enrollments after all.
149. I know he hasn't finished, but, after all, he is very busy.
150. I found it flattering that he still recognized me after all these years.
More similar words: one after anotherafter a whileaftergo aftertake afterlook afterafterwardafter schoolliterallyday after dayyear after yearoverallfuneralseveralliberalfederalmineralin generalthe general publicveteraninteractliteraryinveterateinteractiondraftcraftoftengiftedsoftenaircraft
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